Wednesday, October 6, 2010


burned is the 7th book to the House of Night series. its not as good as the other ones i dont think 'cuz it isnt as full of action as the other ones. all theories and words and feelings. but not enough 'do'. Zoey is also really stubborn. as she is stuck in the other world trying to assemble her soul, stark is riking his life to get her back. in any way he can. which could mean his only death. and zoeys. heath is gone and there is nothing that can change that. it was so sad i maybe got a little tear when he left for the final time. zoey is shattered obviously and so neferet send kalona after her to make sure she NEVER comes back but will his emotions take over him? also with stevie-ray and rephaim. what does stevie-ray do that will make repahim's choice of path more permanent? will he choose his fate or his saviour? it isnt as love filled as the other books but it does have deep emotion. real connections between the characters show in this book. the others dont show it as much. only the lust an want. this 1 is the love and need. zoeys need for stark. starks need for zoey. neferets want for kalona and power. kalonas want for zoey. and so on so on......... i think the next book will be better than this one. as i said not enough action for me

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